Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Freeze warning in NW Georgia/Bad Traffic on I-20

A Freeze Warning exists from midnight tonight to 8 AM tomorrow (Friday) from LaGrange to Douglasville to Dahlonega (although that map is a bit misleading because it really does not include Inside the Perimeter or most of Cobb County). This weekend should be even worse, with temperatures at night through at least Easter morning in the 20's...should make those sunrise services eye-opening to say the least! This is why you don't put your summer plants out until after April 15 (the date of the average last freeze). I knew the recent warm weather would fool people into planting (which it did).

Speaking of gardening, I braided & folded over all the spent daffodils, which makes things look a lot better and makes the pansies look bigger now that all that foliage is hidden. I'm going to cut the grass tonight...even though it's only been 4 days, it looks ragged and long. I still need to clip the hedges for the first time this year and also power-wash the sidewalks/driveway. There is always a ton to do in April.

I-20 was a mess today. Q100 had a promotion where people getting to the park before 9 would get in free. Apparently EVERYONE showed up, and the park was at capacity by 5:45, when the gates opened at 5:30. Some people where there as early as 3:30 and some not getting there until 4:45 did not even get in! Yikes.

Finally, The Masters starts today, with live coverage from 4-7 on USA network, and then they're showing an encore of that coverage from 8-11. It won't be in HD, but it'll still be pretty!

UPDATE: A Freeze Watch has been issued for the top 2/3 of Georgia (obviously including Atlanta) for Friday night and Saturday night. This means temperatures could flirt with or break the records, which are generally in the high 20's. One forecast I saw shows 25 on Saturday night!

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