Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So you had a bad day...

Sorry...the song is stuck in my head, but it's half true.

I picked up my car yesterday and after $900 of service it's running worse than it did before the service. I took it in because the "Check engine light" was on. Nothing was happening though in terms of how it drove. Now however the starting is rougher & when it's at a stop it will jerk slightly. Before when it did that the RPM's would flutter & then it would least it's not doing that. Argh.

Also our dog has taken up chewing the wood blinds. This is especially frustrating because we went around when we moved in & fixed all the blinds that the previous dog had chewed...why did he think this was a good idea???

Plus, work just got super busy...of course this has to happen when I'm about to go out of town. Argh.

Well, I guess I better get to work so I can leave early & then pick up my wife's car & possibly drop mine off again.
