Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hurricanes Brewing

Well, not quite yet. The patterns are getting more favorable though, as the wind shear is dying down, especially around Panama & the western Caribbean. Potentially by next week there might maybe be something brewing, but right now there aren't enough clouds.

However, Accuweather is predicting this hurricane season to be especially rough for North Carolina, Myrtle Beach, & Manhattan/Long Island/Connecticut. The map is here. Who knows how accurate it will be...the downside to this is that last year they also predicted New York was doomed & that the Gulf Coast would probably get off easy...who really knows though?

Isn't it sad that one of the things I'm looking forward to is the fact that in a few days it'll be Memorial Day which means casual summers???
