Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


1) I learned yesterday that we're going to get an upscale WalMart soon in the new District at Howell Mill, based on the product mix at a new WalMart in Park Cities (P.C. is are a pair of upscale "bubble" suburbs in the middle of the city of Dallas: Highland Park & University Park). We're also getting a new Target at Atlantic Station. Now is the dilemna: do we go to the "nicer" big box stores off of Howell Mill & 17th Streets respectively, or do we go to the nastier ones off of Cobb Parkway for the cheaper Cobb County taxes?

2) New Orleans today is holding a huge mock hurricane drill, called "Hurricane Alicia". This is not to be confused with Hurricane Alicia which hit near Galveston, Texas in 1983 as a Cat 3.

3) Tip of the Day: Do you have to evacuate & worried about both flooding & wind? Take the racks out of your dishwasher & put your valuables & papers in's airtight & of the radio guys on WWL did dishes the night before the storm and although his house flooded, his dishes were pristine inside the dishwasher.

4) I've been listening to the Sara Evans song, "Missing Missouri". Is this the first time that Missouri has ever been sung about? My wife pointed out that at the end of the song she says, "It's where they Show Me", as in the "Show Me State". Also, she's a Cardinals fan?? GO BRAVES!
