Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm baackk...

Hey -
Back from the lost...interesting weekend though...

I did my 1st run for the Quebec Marathon (which I may or may not be doing) was only 3 miles, but I'm way out of shape for running b/c I haven't done it in so long.

Also, we turned on & adjusted the sprinkler system in the park that's in our neighborhood...I don't know why that is so fascinating for me, but it is. In any event we did some landscaping around & I got to know some neighbors times except I'm sunburnt so my dress shirt is killing me!

In the NOLA elections, Nagin & Landrieu (a first family in LA politics) are having a runoff on May 20. Should be a showdown. At least that criminal lady didn't get elected!

Finally, it's about to be Derby time. The officially opening of the Kentucky Derby "season" is Thunder over Louisville, which was held on Saturday. I can't wait (Dunwoody beer fest is also that day!).

Also, it's only about a month until hurricane season...pull out the plywood & the MRE's...

Finally, tonight I'm off to our neighborhood association meeting...there are some "hot" issues to discuss to it'll go long & be heated...pull out the boxing gloves!
