Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


1) They were interviewing this fratty sounding dude on Dave FM turns out that it was Edwin McCain. I'd always thought of him as the sappy pop singer of "I'll Be" fame. That song though is actually kind of "dark" & admits he sold out b/c he wanted the $$. He started though touring w/the Allman Brothers and the like. FYI, he's from Greenville. Who knew???

2) Are you a Louisiana resident and want to recall Governor Blanco (which I would support if I were a resident)? Click here. There's even a petition to pass around to your friends & then send in. They're about 1/2 way to the number of signatures needed by mid-June.

3) According to the News & Observer out of the Raleigh/Durham area, there is no DNA link between the stripper & the Duke LAX players. Now I don't doubt that something went on, but I think this has gotten way out of proportion. Too many Yankees though at Duke that think their s*&t doesn't stink.

4) I've decided I really want to see United 93 about the plane that went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. A bit gruesome probably, but very important nonethless. On a similar note, conspiracy theory people are saying that the plane got shot down by the government...if so, who cares? If people want to believe that their husbands, etc. helped the plane to avoid a collision w/the White House or Capitol, let them. Who is it hurting?
