Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Friday, April 07, 2006

Finally friday

First of all, the pollen count in the area today is in the 3000's. Anything above 125 is considered bad. Monday's however was 5861, which is the 2nd highest count ever in Atlanta.

Retired hurricane names: Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Stan & Wilma, to be replaced w/Don, Katia, Rina, Sean & those sound just like the retired ones to you? (Katia & Katrina???).

Finally our dog swallowed a 2 foot long zipper Thursday during the early AM. He spent yesterday puking all over our white carpet, so now we have big stains. Anyone rented a steam cleaner from Home Depot before???

New Hampshire: The government is debating making "Live Free or Die" the official logo, replacing the logo "You're going to love it here" which was made up by an advertising agency. But, the Yankees are too cheap so they're just going to paste LFOD on top of the old signs instead of ponying up for new signs.

Louisiana: They're most likely going to start giving DUI plates for anyone having 2+ DUI's. How embarrasing is that???
