Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Is it just me or does it seem like everyone's talking about the "extreme" weather these days? I mean, I could be wrong but it suddenly seems like everyone's taking an interest & saying how the weather has never been this bad, blah blah blah. However, a lot of the stuff we're facing (i.e. floods in North Dakota) happens EVERY year, & no one cares. It's just now that this global warming talk is heating up (sorry couldn't resist), that people are freaking out. Also everyone is talking about the tornadoes we're having, but we had very few last year, & that was an abnomally.

The hurricane forecast is for about 17 storms, but not as many severe ones striking the U.S. Knowing my parent's luck, one will hit the northern outer banks (i.e. Duck), then move up to W'burg. I doubt it though.

Although it's only been 4 days, my grass is out of control. I guess that's a good thing. I hope to mow it tonight if I have time but I also have a UVa alumni meeting to go to...argh. Work is never done.
