Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Monday, April 03, 2006

This one's for South Carolina....

Raise up...

So Carolina Cup was awesome. Beautiful weather, beautiful people, tasty drinks & lots of appetizers. I rocked the green swordfish bowtie w/the seersucker this year...I have a tan/burn on the top 1/2 of my neck & my forearms. Oh well.

Yesterday was spent "licking my wounds" and also scraping all the bugs off the's definitely getting to be summertime in the South. I also mowed the grass, which had gotten really long in just four days. It's only going to get worse since I just fertilized it & then we had a lightening storm (which I've heard somehow makes the grass grow).

Our dog is also healing, but expensively...he's had to have some debriding done, which makes me too queasy to look up, but it ain't cheap. I just want him to come home & not be hurt anymore! I miss the little guy.
