Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Olympics Day 6

1) Why do people insist on STOPPING when there is a flashing yellow light? The rule is you stop if it's flashing RED or if it's completely off. If it's yellow flashing, you proceed w/caution. I was about 5 minutes late for work b/c people were just blindly following the person in front of them. Also, what's with people from out of town turning in a lane that is clearly marked no turns???

2) As per usual the "favorites" last night in the Moguls didn't do so well. Jeremy Bloom sounded like he didn't care so much, as long as he can get back for the NFL. He skiied well, so I can't fault him, but he didn't seem too sad about not winning gold. I might not be either if I was about the enter the NFL & I had a modeling contract.

3) It's supposed to be 72 here today. It felt like spring this morning. I feel like we need to grill out tonight & sit on the back patio!

WEBSITE OF THE DAY: It's great if you need to get in touch with a company, ESPECIALLY those pesky Internet companies that don't want you to talk to them!!!

UPDATE: They are changing around my entire gym. Apparently some new management company has come in to improve things. As long as there is a television in front of the cardio machines...I'd hoped to watch the Olympics during lunch, but since it's on MSNBC only, I can't. I think though next week it'll be on the lower-numbered channels during lunch (i.e. USA & CNBC).

Can I tell you how much I LOVE going home every night to watch curling? It is so fascinating. The other night I went to a party, turned it on & everyone was glued to the television set. The US men up until last night was 2-2. They lost a tough one to Italy, the host country. They all have the Minnesota/Alberta accents too. I love it.
