Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Monday, February 27, 2006

Lundi Gras

Happy Mardi Gras everyone! This is a quick turn around from my depression about the Torino Games being over...Mardi Gras is a good remedy for the Post-Olympic Depression Syndrome (PODS). No folks, I did not make up PODS (for example). It is a real thing, most notably in Olympic cities...people trying to adjust to a normal life after all the excitement and build-up of the Games themselves.

Torino ended w/a "Carnival" theme, appropriate being the time of year. Good stuff, except for Ricky Martin!

I woke up this morning & tried to figure out something to watch. Very weird because there were no events, no curling & not even the Today Show (apparently Katie & Co. will be in NOLA tomorrow). CNN had a lot of coverage, reporting live from the Convention Center & Slidell...Fox, my normal news of choice, did not have any Mardi Gras coverage that I could see.

Also, really bad weather on Saturday forced Endymion to roll on Sunday after Bacchus, leading to a Super-Krewe double-header. That'd be some beads! Miles O'Brien from CNN rode in Bacchus & had a segment where he filmed from on top of the float...pretty cool.

Beijing starts in 892 days (I got this from a website...I did not calculate this myself), on August 8, 2008. Then it's Vancouver 2010 & London 2012. 2014 will be picked on July 7, 2007 (you can see a list of the Applicant cities, most of which are European or former Soviet cities, here. I've also added links to the future Olympic sites to the left.

Happy Lundi Gras!!!

UPDATE: Click here to read about tomorrow's "Meeting of the Courts" between Rex & Comus, which is a huge debutante-like deal & signals the end of Mardi Gras. Today Rex will take over the city when he is presented it by Mayor Nagin & will declare that no more work should occur & that revelry shall reign.

Also, we're thinking about doing a half-marathon in Quebec City, Quebec...I don't know where we'd fly into's not really close to any American city.
