Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bertha and rain

Bertha has been going between a major and a minor hurricane the last couple of days, and it has been a hurricane for about 3 days now (for those counting, the record is 7 days of being a hurricane in July, which is Emily I believe). Although no one knows for sure, it is likely now Bermuda will feel SOME impact from the storm, although probably not a direct hit. Also, this storm may hit the Canadian maritime provinces as a tropical storm.

In Atlanta, it has actually rained at our house twice in a week, which is a really great thing. The last couple of days it has rained all around our neighborhood, but not at our house, which is very frustrating. The yard is looking better though. I'm still scared that they will take away our 25 minutes/day of watering however, especially since my exemption for new plantings, which lasted 10 weeks, ends on Sunday.

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