Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tropical Storm to Hit New Orleans or Texas this weekend?

A low pressure center near Palm Beach, Florida is currently on track to become the next Jerry. The hurricane hunters are getting ready to start investigating this system soon. As of right now the track has shifted from Brownsville to NOLA, and now is confined to about Houston to Pensacola. Either the storm will go over the Loop Current and explode, a la Wilma, Katrina and Rita, or will go further west, and have plenty of time to organize over the warm Gulf of Mexico. Everyone on the Gulf should keep an eye on this one.

There are a few other little things in the Atlantic basin, but none imminent at this point.

One thing I can't figure out, where is Bob King of the Palm Beach Post? He is usually a good source of information but hasn't posted on his blog since 9/11.

I do know where Jim Cantore is however: Atlantic Beach, near Jacksonville. He's reporting on the heavy flooding and up to 8" of rain that JAX got due to the potential Jerry.

Finally, I watched K-ville last night (the dash is supposed to be a fleur de lis but my non-Louisianan keyboard doesn't have one of those :). It was actually pretty good. Many local New Orleanians are complaining about inconsistencies (such as "Gumbo Parties" or car chases at high speeds from the French Quarter to the Westbank being an impossibility due to the long distance and/or potholes, but since I'm not from there, I didn't notice. I didn't think the name "Rex duBois" was too out of line, maybe a little but not much (he's the father of a debutante socialite). I thought the best part was the main character finding out his new partner was a native New Orleanian (from NOLA East) due to the fact he can pronounce street names, get around without street signs (which apparently criminals steal to confuse cops), and because he says "neutral ground".

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