Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Florence, Gordon, Helene

Well, we've got a dying Florence, a strengthening Gordon, and a TD 8 that promises to be Helene (I feel like I need an accent for Helene since it's apparently French). Some of the experts say that Helene is nothing to worry about, noting it's location & historic September storms from that same location...however do you realize that Hugo is on that list???!!

Also, as you know yesterday was the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks...and also the 1 year anniversary of the day we got our dog. Five years ago yesterday I woke up early to go run b/c I didn't have class, only to open up my AIM and find the headlines reading "World Trade Center I hit...World Trade Center II hit..." Then I watched TV until about 4 or 5 PM, ran my hardest (esp. when there were false reports that we were bombing Afghanistan), and then went to Moes & Joes in the Highlands for super greasy burgers and some cheap beer...everyone there was quiet and glued to . It was weird to have commercials and shows back after that! Yesterday though KICKS 101.5 decided to play mostly patriot music in the morning but it was a little too much & I had to turn it off...CNN also showed the original coverage on Pipeline, which was kind of neat b/c it showed them talking about "The Big One" (meaning a hurricane hitting a vulnerable city...imagine that), and then a fashion show for maternity wear...they cut to commerical & when they cut back they showed the 1st plane in the WTC....from then on it was all chaos, & after the 2nd plane hit they pretty much knew it was terrorism. Crazy.
