Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Back to the Grindstone

Well, the LONG 4th of July holiday is over. Due to leap year, we probably won't get one like that again for a long time (in 2 years, 2008, 4th of July would have been on a Thursday but instead it's on a Friday because of leap year). In any event we all started to go into vacation mode so work is especially painful.

Peachtree was amazing. I kept zig-zagging back & forth to make sure I saw everyone/everything I needed to see. A lot more people handing out beer & shots this year than years past. I ended up at 50:19, which is just shy of where I wanted to be (sub-50 to qualify for Time Group 1A again). I'll do some minor 10K in the fall when it's cooler to cement the time.

This is the important week of Wimbledon, w/the "Breakfast at" this weekend. There was a streaker, Sharipova held on, & it looks like it might be a Nadal-Federer final.

North Korea is unsuccessfully trying to blow us up. Apparently they have 1940's Soviet technology & we have 2006 defense systems....haha.

Other than that nothing new. There's a possibility of Beryl by the end of the week, but no guarantees. Today is the anniversary though of Hurricane Cindy hitting NOLA. It hit Grande Isle & caused the worst blackout since Betsy.

Finally, we went to the Fireworks at Lenox Mall last Atlanta is that...sitting on the parking garage of Bloomingdales watching Fireworks. They were delayed about an hour though because of strong storms. When we were let out though they Contraflowed the lanes on Lenox down to Buford highway...very interesting but somewhat disorganized.
