Hurricanes & Zip Codes

Blogging about anything and everything that's on my mind.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yard of the Month

I decided to overseed my yard this year. Everyone seems to think it was a huge production but in reality it took me about 20 minutes to spread all the seed. Granted I do have to mow it every week all winter, but I'd have to spend about that much time raking the leaves, so it comes out about even. In any event I have the one green lawn in my neighborhood, which is kind of cool. It came out spotty this year, but: a) I planted it too soon (in early October...I'll wait until Halloween next year), and it was so warm in late October/early November that our Bermuda grass didn't go dormant until late, and so the Rye and the Bermuda were competing. Next year I'll have a yard worthy of an Ansley Golf Club green.

That got me thinking this morning about what I'd do if I lived in New Orleans...I recently read an article in the Times-Picayune about a man in Lakeview that had fixed up his whole house even though his neighbors hadn't even moved back into the city. That included landscaping and all. Can you imagine if everyone did that? My wife is a Historic Preservation nut (in a good way), and if everyone took the initiative, that city would be back and better than ever in no time. I don't know how many people have gone down there, but it is a dirty city...maybe that will change.

Speaking of which, I really want to go to Mardi Gras this year. I went to MG '01 & '04. In 2004 we stayed at the Renaissance Arts, which was really nice, but has gotten pricey as of late. If anyone has any good ideas, let me know. My wife will only go if we stay at Le Pavillon, but I don't know if it's open and/or if it has any availability at the end of February. Mmm...King Cake & Hurricanes.

Here's some music I've been listening to now (in no particular order):
1) Corrow Morrow: Straight to Hell (remake of Atlanta band Drivin' & Cryin')
2) Paul Soniat: Ritch Bitch from the Garden District (Her daddy was a member of the Boston Club; He was Rex 1972)
3) Better Than Ezra: Southern Thing (M-I-crooked letter-crooked letter)
4) Johnny Cash: Jackson (We downloaded this song before we went to Jackson for a wedding, and now it's been remade for Walk the Line, which I still haven't seen yet).
5) Mardi Gras Mambo: A seasonal classic (Speaking of which, I'm waiting for Comcast to switch their Sounds of the Season over to Jazzy type stuff).

Something interesting I didn't know much about: Hurricane Pam

UDPATE: I'd uploaded my Summon the Heroes Olympic CD into my IPOD and had it cranked up at lunch while lifting. I used to do the same thing while erging in High School. That got me thinking. I am going to do a best-of Olympics post, ranking all Winter & Summer games (together) from 1988 Calgary on. Any input is appreciated.

Random fact: Did you know the International Poultry Expo is in town? Neither did I until just now when I saw the signs on the lamposts on Peachtree.
